Thursday, March 1, 2012


Feeling particularly uninspired today, I went on stumble upon to try and find something to blog about.
This is what I found.
I guess some of them are pretty cheesy, but they really do get you thinking.  So I decided to pick one and maybe write a little bit about it.
I chose this one:
"What the world needs now is ___________"
For me, the answer is something else.
For me, that's also what this blog is about.
I don't want to get too philosophical because really, what can a 19 year old college student say about the state of the world?
So here's my spiel.
I think the world needs something other than songs about sex on the radio, I think the world needs something other than reality shows about cupcakes and housewives, I think the world needs something that is original, I think the world needs something to make it see people as something other than fitting a category, I think the world needs something other than chasing the highest paying career, I think the world needs something to look forward to, I think the world needs something that doesn't mean anything, and because of that can mean everything, I think the world needs to do something for the sake of doing it, I think the world needs something that makes it smile, I think the world needs something to save it, I think the world needs to learn to love something that isn't new an improved, I think the world needs to learn to love something that is old and used, I think the world needs something pure to believe in, I think the world needs something to trust, I think the world needs something other than puppies and babies to make them laugh, I think the world needs something new to see, I think the world needs something new to do, I think the world needs something to make it stop judging, I think the world needs something to make it all sink in, I think the world needs something other than prescriptions to solve its problems, I think the world needs to just listen to something, and not talk back, I think the world needs to stop needing something (ironic), I think the world needs something to inspire it, I think the world needs something original.
I think I need to stop my spiel now.

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