Saturday, March 17, 2012

luck of the Irish

Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!
I thought maybe I would post some interesting "I bet you didn't know" facts about today but then to a certain extent I kind of feel like St. Patrick's day is just one of those holidays that has lost its true meaning in the spirit of marketing and commercialism.  So here's to local bars and novelty stores.  May your sales be prosperous.
(If you're still interested in that history lesson though check out the's page on today)
Since I decided against that though, here are some of my favorite green things (in no particular order):

1. Vegetables. Not that I particularly disliked them when I was a kid, but it feels weird now saying that vegetables are one of my favorite green things...but hey, I can't help it that a bowl of peas with a little bit of butter and salt makes me happy.  Not to mention they have been known to cause spontaneous humming.
Don't forget the Green Beans!

2. Anything in Kelly Green.  Especially this dress, I've been a little bit obsessed with it since Atonement came out.

3. Green flavored gummy bears (especially Haribo)

4. Greenpeace, green warming is real.  That's a cause I'm willing to back

5. This song, and frankly the entire musical 

6. Kermit the Frog.  (even if Beaker is my favorite.)
But seriously, who doesn't love the muppets?

7.   Moss graffiti.  Such a cool new trend that I definitely need to try sometime. Click here for a recipe


8. The girly side in me definitely loves emeralds.  Look how sparkly!

9. inchworms. Nothing more needs to be said.

10. turtles.

Drink responsibly and have a good St. Patrick's day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

unicorn farts 105

Hello Friday, what a welcome surprise.
So this week's unicorn farts starts with a story. A few years ago I went to see Nada Surf at DC's 9:30 Club and lucky for me Delta Spirit was the opener.  Needless to say I was hooked.  A few years later, they had their own headlining tour and I was there, front and center.  I almost snagged a hug from the very drunk lead singer Matt Vasquez as he made his way through the crowd ensuring us that he would make this the best damn concert we had ever been to.
It definitely was.
So here you go, one of my favorites.

Listen to their new album here!
And you can check out their tour dates here, I would definitely try and catch a show. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Unicorn Farts 104

It's Friday! 
Herman is coming out to play (for anyone just tuning in that's the unicorn's name. Fitting isin't it?)
Anyways, this week I'm featuring Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes.   If you've never heard of them, it is a tragedy.  Fear not though, that's what I'm here for.  Aside from their great music, Jade and Alexander seem like pretty cool people too. 
I mean look at how cute they are! 
And you gotta love Jade's style.

So here it is, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes. 

And if you have time/like this, check out another great song, Home

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hump Day

Almost there.
The end of this horrible week is somewhere in the near less than 24 hours until I can finally sit back...relax...and then get started on all the work I neglected to do while doing all the other work I had to do.
At least I have going to Disney World to look forward to!
Spring break here I come. (not to mention the return of hopefully good blog posts)
Anyways, about now I have food on the mind considering I have not had a real meal since Sunday and have been living on saltines, apples, and cheerios for the  past few days, so I could really go for right about now:
Healthy and super delicious banana chocolate "ice cream" 

guacamole recipe I have been meaning to try

buffalo chicken nachos that look DELICIOUS right about now

crockpot chicken tortilla soup

barbacoa beef (reminds me of chipotle)

black bean and corn salad (which might be good with the barbacoa beef)

Pico de gallo chicken quesadilla

Obviously I'm in a mexican mood.  (And chocolate and bananas, because when is chocolate and bananas NOT good?)

I also think it is worth noting that while I am sitting here writing this, my fellow techies are contemplating how to freeze a bat, but without killing it....ok?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Sometimes I fail.  At this current moment, I'm failing at my blog.  I mean the point is to provide you with something interesting, to provide you with something else to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day...but the hustle and bustle of my every day is catching up with me.  Especially this week.  But I'm not here to drag you down with me,  so considering my lack of inspiration due to my lack of ability to even figure out what work I have to do, I guess I'll just tell you the something else I did today to break away for just a minute.
I went to a book sale.
Maybe that makes me kind of a dork for actually being really excited about that, but I mean come on! Paperbacks for 50 cents, hard covers for $1, to quote Charlie Sheen, winning!!
And win I did.
Among the treasures I picked up was a book on contemporary philosophy published in 1954, an equally old book on dream interpretation, a single volume from a collection of short stories that almost fits in the palm of my hand, and a collection of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories. (picture to come at a more decent hour)
Who needs the Kindle when you can release that old book smell as you turn the thin pages of a well used book?

So if you are looking for something to take away from reading this, here it is:
read a book. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Egg on my Face

Egg on my face.
I tell you to read my blog...and then I don't post for a day and a few hours. In my defense, I had a midterm portfolio for drawing due yesterday, an exam in Biopsychology, and a formal essay rough draft due Wednesday.  On top of that, it's tech week. This is my attempt to try and convey the emotion I am feeling from that.  If you haven't noticed already, I'm not particularly good at capturing emotions on camera.
(Also for the girls, gingham and paisley? Good or bad pattern mix?)
So please forgive my lack of posts and I promise to be back as soon as possible.  In the mean time enjoy this horrendous picture of a rainbow puking a rainbow.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hey you, check out my blog!

I'm just a baby blogger.
As you can see from the simple, discombobulated layout of my blog, I have a lot to learn.
Speaking of, can someone please teach me javascript? (or whatever the word is for computer language that can make my blog pretty)
The problem is, I'm shy.  I'm too scared to say to the world of people that I know, "hey! check out my blog sometime!" I guess I just have problems tooting my own horn so to speak.  So instead, I hope that some stranger will stumble upon it instead.  Of course, that rarely happens, so more often than not I find myself sitting at my computer moping about the fact that I only have 2 readers (not that I don't love both of you.)
Is it at all sad that I just want someone who I couldn't call up on the phone or walk up a flight of stairs to personally thank for reading my blog, to read my blog?
Maybe I'm not writing about the right thing...
Or maybe just not the right people are stumbling upon it....
So here's my proposal:
If you are out there reading this first of all please say hi! You can tweet at me @somethingselses (because apparently something else and 80 different versions of it are already taken), or you can comment right here on this blog.  If you're wondering what to comment, you can tell me something else you want me to write about, or something you want to hear or see more of (because sometimes my brain is tired from all this college stuff) or whatever your heart desires.  Or I'll make it even easier, just check the box that says more please right under each post.
(I figured I would pull out all the stops on this one so yeah, it's a sad puppy because my puppy dog face is just not as good. That is my best attempt at a visibly sad face, inspired by the copious amounts of biopsychology I should be studying now.  Just be glad I didn't put this commercial instead)

Lastly, if you like what you're reading, tell someone!  Because there's only so much I can say before I start sounding really vain...

This time for REAL lastly,


Friday, March 2, 2012

Unicorn Farts 103

I have a friend named Dan. I'm not gonna brag but he's a pretty cool guy. So this Friday's unicorn fart goes out to him. And considering this is for him, I'm going to share with you something he likes. Of course I happen to like it too, otherwise I wouldn't be sharing it with you.
So this is Scroobius Pip. Enjoy

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Feeling particularly uninspired today, I went on stumble upon to try and find something to blog about.
This is what I found.
I guess some of them are pretty cheesy, but they really do get you thinking.  So I decided to pick one and maybe write a little bit about it.
I chose this one:
"What the world needs now is ___________"
For me, the answer is something else.
For me, that's also what this blog is about.
I don't want to get too philosophical because really, what can a 19 year old college student say about the state of the world?
So here's my spiel.
I think the world needs something other than songs about sex on the radio, I think the world needs something other than reality shows about cupcakes and housewives, I think the world needs something that is original, I think the world needs something to make it see people as something other than fitting a category, I think the world needs something other than chasing the highest paying career, I think the world needs something to look forward to, I think the world needs something that doesn't mean anything, and because of that can mean everything, I think the world needs to do something for the sake of doing it, I think the world needs something that makes it smile, I think the world needs something to save it, I think the world needs to learn to love something that isn't new an improved, I think the world needs to learn to love something that is old and used, I think the world needs something pure to believe in, I think the world needs something to trust, I think the world needs something other than puppies and babies to make them laugh, I think the world needs something new to see, I think the world needs something new to do, I think the world needs something to make it stop judging, I think the world needs something to make it all sink in, I think the world needs something other than prescriptions to solve its problems, I think the world needs to just listen to something, and not talk back, I think the world needs to stop needing something (ironic), I think the world needs something to inspire it, I think the world needs something original.
I think I need to stop my spiel now.