Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Sometimes I fail.  At this current moment, I'm failing at my blog.  I mean the point is to provide you with something interesting, to provide you with something else to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day...but the hustle and bustle of my every day is catching up with me.  Especially this week.  But I'm not here to drag you down with me,  so considering my lack of inspiration due to my lack of ability to even figure out what work I have to do, I guess I'll just tell you the something else I did today to break away for just a minute.
I went to a book sale.
Maybe that makes me kind of a dork for actually being really excited about that, but I mean come on! Paperbacks for 50 cents, hard covers for $1, to quote Charlie Sheen, winning!!
And win I did.
Among the treasures I picked up was a book on contemporary philosophy published in 1954, an equally old book on dream interpretation, a single volume from a collection of short stories that almost fits in the palm of my hand, and a collection of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories. (picture to come at a more decent hour)
Who needs the Kindle when you can release that old book smell as you turn the thin pages of a well used book?

So if you are looking for something to take away from reading this, here it is:
read a book. 

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