Thank. Goodnes.
Since I'm sure no one wants to hear about my stomach flu, or my tests, here are some things that have gotten me through this past week and a half
1. Drawing Class
Sure it's a 9AM, but 3 hours of uninterrupted studio time that I have to spend complaints here.
2. getting mail
no email can compare to getting a paper letter in the mail. Even more when you get a package in the mail and it's christmas all over again.
procrastinate ALL the homework and pin ALL the things
Too bad I only own one of these things :(
5.Froot Loops
Artificial fruit flavoring, sugar, loops, reliving childhood, what more can you ask for?
6. Zooey Deschanel and new episodes of New Girl
I am kind of sort of obsessed with Zooey.
I mean look at her! Who wouldn't love that face, those big eyes, that quirk.
7. Spotify
soundtrack of the spring production Adding Machine stuck in my head+budget of a college student=quietly humming to myself EVERYWHERE
soundtrack of spring production Adding Machine stuck in my head+Spotify= successfully embarrassing myself as I belt in my room. (lies I'm a great singer)
8. finding someone with the same music taste as you
9. MASSIVE snowflakes
because it's happening right now
10. the people who asked me why I wasn't blogging.
This is for you
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